April 17, 2014
The method Wide-field temporal focusing (WF-TEFO) technique was recently featured on the Andor News webpage. Click here to visit the press release…March 12, 2014
Welcome Tobias Nöbauer: Tobias was previously working in Jörg Schmiedmayers' group at the Atom-Institute on nitrogen-vacancy colour centres and is…September 9, 2013
Our recent paper on "Brain-wide 3D imaging of neuronal activity Caenorhabditis elegans with sculpted light" was published today in Nature…August 20, 2013
This year we had the honor to host the annual Quantum Effects in Biological Systems Workshop covering the latest developments in…October 29, 2012
We welcome our new groupmembers David Wartmann and Moritz Numrich with background in biophysics and quantumphysics. They will support the…April 10, 2012
The award of an Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) program grant to Alipasha Vaziri was announced recently. We congratulate Alipasha on…April 10, 2012
Alipasha Vaziri will be teaching two lectures this semesters at the University of Vienna. The courses are entitled 'Biological frontiers…April 3, 2012
Recently, a review paper entitled "Reshaping the optical dimension in optogenetics" by Alipasha and his collaborator, Valentina Emiliani from the…