Author: Admin
July 1, 2014
The current issue of nature methods highlights our recent publication on light-field microscopy (LFM) on the cover of the July 2014 issue.May 30, 2014
"The Economist" describes the open worm project on this website and mentions our recently published technique as a crucial step…May 19, 2014
Our recent paper on "Simultaneous whole-animal 3D imaging of neuronal activity using light-field microscopy” was published today in Nature Methods.…May 18, 2014
Our paper entitled “Simultaneous Whole-Brain Functional Imaging of Neuronal Activity using Light-Field Microscopy” has been published in Nature Methods. High-speed,…April 17, 2014
The method Wide-field temporal focusing (WF-TEFO) technique was recently featured on the Andor News webpage. Click here to visit the press release…March 12, 2014
Welcome Tobias Nöbauer: Tobias was previously working in Jörg Schmiedmayers' group at the Atom-Institute on nitrogen-vacancy colour centres and is…September 9, 2013
Wide-field temporal focusing (WF-TEFO) is a two-photon imaging technique which is based on light-sculpting. It effectively decouples the parameters governing…September 9, 2013
Our recent paper on "Brain-wide 3D imaging of neuronal activity Caenorhabditis elegans with sculpted light" was published today in Nature…August 26, 2013
Most of our today’s understanding on the function of channels is based on static crystallography data and electrophysiology. However, it…August 26, 2013
We are happy to announce, that David Cisneros - a shared Postdoc of our group and the lab of Jan-Michael…