Our paper entitled “Direct Detection of a Single Photon by Humans” by Tinsley J. N. et. al., has been published in Nature Communications.
In this study we have shown that humans are capable of detecting a single photon onto their eyes with a probability above chance. This was done by developing a quantum light source based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) which can generate single-photon states of light and combining it with a state-of-the-art psychophysics procedure. Thereby we could show that the human visual system including the post-processing performed by the retina and the brain can detect a single photon incident onto the eye.
Read the publication or a short summary.
Please have also a look at the Nature News article by Davide Castelvecchi as well as the articles on the L.A. Times, APA (German), idw-online.de (German), ria.ru (Russian), jura-forum.de (German), Bild der Wissenschaft (German), Scientific American, Nature Asia (Japanese), scinexx.de (German), Discover Magazine, Vozpopuli (Spanish), Innovations Report (German), Spektrum.de (German), and Polit.ru (Russian).