Author: Admin

  • August 20, 2013
    This year we had the honor to host the annual Quantum Effects in Biological Systems Workshop covering the latest developments in…
  • February 22, 2013
    Optical trapping is a single molecule technique that allows to study mechanical properties of single polymer molecules, proteins, or individual…
  • October 29, 2012
    We welcome our new groupmembers David Wartmann and Moritz Numrich with background in biophysics and quantumphysics. They will support the…
  • April 10, 2012
    The award of an Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) program grant to Alipasha Vaziri was announced recently. We congratulate Alipasha on…
  • April 10, 2012
    Alipasha Vaziri will be teaching two lectures this semesters at the University of Vienna. The courses are entitled 'Biological frontiers…
  • April 3, 2012
    Recently, a review paper entitled "Reshaping the optical dimension in optogenetics" by Alipasha and his collaborator, Valentina Emiliani from the…
  • February 14, 2012
    A recent review paper of our newest lab member, Maxim Molodtsov, entitled "Biophysics of mitosis" has recently appeared in print…
  • January 17, 2012
    Robert has recently been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship from the European Union. The so-called Marie Curie International…
  • January 17, 2012
    Aimee Heinrichs, a Masters Student of our collaborator Thomas Jennewein at the Institute of Quantum Computing in Waterloo, Canada, is…
  • November 3, 2011
    We have currently open Masters (Diploma) and PhD positions. Several projects on development of new structural and functional bio-imaging techniques (e.g. super-resolution microscopy), optogentic…